1842 OC-7
Misplaced 2 - Top 30 Variety (with rim cuds)

Die Pair 6 - B
Date Grid B / 5-4.0 / Level
Obverse Die States a, b, c, d, e, f
Estimated Rarity R2
1, 2 Vertical SL, SL
Reverse Die States a, b

   This is the only use of Obverse 6 and the fourth and final use of Reverse B.

Obverse 6

The photo below shows the Obverse 6 attribution grid.

1842 Obverse 6 attribution grid

Obverse 6 also exhibits a misplaced digit. The base of a misplaced 2 can be seen in the rock base between the 4 and 2. The arrow in the photo points to this digit. It can be seen on most mid- to high-grade examples, but may be difficult to see on coins grading below XF40.

In its later states obverse 6 exhibits up to 3 cuds. The final 3-cud state is shown in the next photo.

1842 Obverse 6 die state f - 3 full cuds

Obverse 6 Die States
  1. Perfect die.
  2. A single rim cud opposite star 1.
  3. A second rim cud opposite stars 12-13.
  4. A fine die crack slanting up from the toe to the rim.
  5. A third rim cud below the left side of the date.
  6. The cud opposite star 1 has lengthened and now extends from star 1 to star 3.
State b (a single cud) has been reported, but I've never seen an example.

Prior to his passing Jim O’Donnell reported that he had seen an example of this variety with 4 obverse cuds, but I've never been able to confirm the existence of this die state. My rarity estimates for the various die states of the OC-7 marriage are noted in the following table.

Die State
a No cuds R2
b 1 cud Unconfirmed
c 2 cuds R6-
d Die crack R5-
e 3 cuds R5
f 3 full cuds R5+

I’ve included the late die state of OC-7, with 3 full cuds, as one of my Top 30 varieties.

Reverse B

Reverse B is very different from Reverse A. There are no die lines in the shield recesses. The best markers are the extensions of the vertical shield lines downward into the shield border, visible even on low-grade coins. Additional markers are several upward extensions of the vertical shield lines into the horizontal lines. These are notable on high-grade coins, but not nearly as reliable a marker as the lower extensions.

1842 Reverse B die markers

Reverse B Die States
  1. Perfect die.
  2. A small cud has appeared on the rim below ONE DOL.
I’ve seen only a single example of reverse die state b. I purchased the coin from Harry Smith at the 2014 Summer ANA show. Harry says that he’s seen at least one other example, so I’ve included this as a legitimate die state.

1842 Reverse B rim cud – Die state b

Reverse B is paired with 4 different obverse dies in marriages OC-4 through OC-7. All pairings are with the die state a reverse except for the terminal state of the OC-7 die pair, which exhibits reverse die state b.

Photo credits:

Obverse 6 and Reverse B:   NGC AU55, from the Osburn-Cushing reference collection.
Obverse 6 Rim Cuds:   NGC AU50, from the Osburn-Cushing reference collection.
Reverse B Rim Cud:   Raw VF30, from the Osburn-Cushing reference collection.

Copyright © 2015-2021, by Dick Osburn and Brian Cushing, All rights reserved.