   This is the only use of Obverse 2 and the second and final use of Reverse B in 1859.
Reverse B is transitional, used for two additional 1860-O die marriages.
Obverse 2
The photo below shows the Obverse 2 attribution grid.
1859-O Obverse 2 attribution grid
The Obverse 2 date is the farthest right of any for the year. An additional die marker is a tiny lump
on the hem of the gown above the 8. The arrow in the photo points to this feature.
Obverse 2 Die States
- Perfect die.
No later die states have been observed, although it's very possible that a later state may exist.
Reverse B
The photo below shows the mintmark position for Reverse B.
1859-O Reverse B mintmark
Reverse B exhibits several irregularities in the upper left shield recesses, shown below.
The most notable and easiest to see is the strong dot at the top of Recess #1.
This dot is less notable on examples of OC-3, which has been seen only with reverse die state b.
1859-O Reverse B die markers
Reverse B Die States
- Perfect die.
- Die polished. The markers are less evident.
No later die states have been observed. We've seen OC-3 only with reverse die state b.